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    기본간호학, 간호교육

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    연세대학교 보건학박사

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(학사) 중앙대학교 간호학 

(석박사) 연세대학교 보건학 

(박사수료) 중앙대학교 교육공학

교육 및 연구경력

- 2023.03 ~ 현재 인제대학교 간호대학 조교수

- 2020.09 ~ 2023.02 중앙대학교 간호대학 시간강사

- 2021.09 ~ 2021.12 서일대학교 간호대학 시간강사

- 2019.07 ~ 2020.07 한국보건의료연구원 주임연구원

- 2018.08 ~ 2018.10 University of Bristol, UK. Visiting PGR

- 2017.02 ~ 2019.06 연세대학교 의료법윤리학연구원 연구원

- 2012.09 ~ 2017.01 삼성서울병원 간호사

기타 및 학술관련 경력

- 2023.03 ~ 현재 다문화건강학회지 부편집위원장

- 2023.01 ~ 현재 대한의료커뮤니케이션학회 운영이사

- 2023.01 ~ 현재 대한환자안전학회 무임소이사

- 2023.03 ~ 현재 한국간호과학회, 한국기본간호학회 정회원

- 2021.03 ~ 현재 한국교육공학회 정회원

연구 관심 분야

환자안전, 의료윤리와 법, 간호교육

강의 분야

기본간호학, 간호교수학습전략

저서 및 주요 논문

-  Jang, S. G., Lee, W., Ha, J., & Choi, S. (2024). Is physical restraint unethical and illegal?: a qualitative analysis of Korean written judgments. BMC nursing, 23(1), 94.

-  Jeong, H., Choi, E.Y., Lee, W., Jang, S. G., Pyo, J., Ock, M. (2024). Importance of Quality of Medical Record: Differences in Patient Safety Incident Inquiry Results According to Assessment for Quality of Medical Record. Journal of Patient Safety, 10.1097/PTS.0000000000001212, February 19.

-  Choi, E. Y., Kim, J., Lee, W., Jang, S. G., Pyo, J., & Ock, M. (2023). Comprehensive Measurement of the Burden of Disease due to Adverse Events: A New Analysis of the Cross-Sectional Patient Safety Incident Inquiry. Journal of Korean Medical Science, 38(43).

-  최은영, 표지희, 장승경, 이원, 옥민수, & 이해영. (2023). 환자안전사건을 경험한 의료진을 위한 제 2 의 피해자 지원 프로그램의 동향. Quality improvement in health care: QIH, 29(1), 58-69.

-  Lee, W., Pyo, J., Ock, M., Jang, S. G., & Choi, E. Y. (2023). Nurses’ adaptations to changes on a COVID-19 ward in South Korea: A qualitative study. Heliyon, 9(3).

-  Lee, J.Y., Song, H.D., Jang, S.G., & Kim, Y.K. (2022). The Relationship Between Interaction and Learning Persistence in Metaverse Learning Environment: The Mediating Effect of Learning Engagement and the Moderating Effect of Learning Presence. Korean Journal of Educational Research. 60(7), 129-155.

-  Jang, S. G., Park, E., Lee, J., Choi, J. E., Lee, S. I., Han, H., ... & Lee, W. (2022). An Exploration Into Patients’ Experiences That Make Them Feel Safe During Hospitalization: A Qualitative Study. Journal of Korean Medical Science, 37(33), e256-e256.

-  Jang, S. G., Min, A., & Kim, S. (2022). Experience of Pediatric Patient Death, Moral Distress, and Turnover Intention among Pediatric Nurses at a Tertiary Hospital in South Korea: A Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 25(8), 1215-1221.

-  Yoon, Y. S., Lee, W., Kang, S., Kim, I. S., & Jang, S. G. (2022). Working Experience of Managers Who Are Responsible for Promoting and Monitoring Patient Safety in South Korea: Focusing on Small-and Medium-Sized Hospitals. Journal of Patient Safety, 18(4), 365-369.

-  Kim, J., Pyo, J. H., Choi, E. Y., Lee, W., Jang, S. G., Ock, M. S., & Lee, S. I. (2022). Evaluation of Physicians' Perception of Patient Safety Incidents Including Disclosure Utilizing Hypothetical Clinical Vignettes. Quality Improvement in Health Care, 28(1), 34-44.

-  Lee, W., Choi, M., Park, E., Park, E., Kang, S., Lee, J., Jang, S.G., Han, H.R., Lee, S.I., & Choi, J. E. (2022). Understanding physicians’ and nurses’ adaption of national-leading patient safety culture policy: a qualitative study in tertiary and general hospitals in Korea. J Korean Med Sci, 37(14), e114.

-  Choi, E. Y., Pyo, J., Lee, W., Jang, S. G., Park, Y. K., Ock, M., & Lee, H. (2021). Perception Gaps of Disclosure of Patient Safety Incidents Between Nurses and the General Public in Korea. Journal of Patient Safety, 17(8), e971.

-  Kim, M. J., Jang, S. G., Kim, I. S., & Lee, W. (2021). A study on the status and contributory factors of adverse events due to negligence in nursing care. Journal of Patient Safety, 17(8), e904-e910.

-  Pyo, J., Lee, W., Jang, S. G., Choi, E. Y., Ock, M., & Lee, S. I. (2021). Impact of patient safety incidents reported by the general public in Korea. Journal of Patient Safety, 17(8), e964.

-  표지희, 최은영, 이원, 장승경, & 옥민수. (2021). 환자안전사건으로 인한 제 1 의 피해자 심리사회적 지원 프로그램 개발을 위한 유사 프로그램 검토. Quality Improvement in Health Care, 27(1), 58-69.

-  Lee, H. J., Jang, S. G., Choi, J. E., Lee, W., Pyo, J., Ock, M., & Lee, S. I. (2021). Assessment of public perception regarding patient engagement for patient safety in Korea. Journal of patient safety, 17(1), 44.

-  Kim, K., Jang, S. G., & Lee, K. S. (2021). A network analysis of research topics and trends in end-of-life care and nursing. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(1), 313.


- 환자안전 개념과 적용(2023). 박영사

- 환자안전 보고학습의 이해와 적용(2022). 박영사

- 보건의료법 윤리학(2021). 박영사